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Together We Grow

Together We Grow
Bailey Jamile

“Approach the New Year with resolve to find the opportunities hidden in each new day.” - Michael Josephson

Hauʻoli Makahiki Hou, Noiʻo 2 ʻohana! As we welcomed 2025, the return to school was filled with warmth, refreshed minds, and a sense of renewed purpose. The first week back was not only spent reacquainting ourselves with our school routines; it was a time to reconnect, reflect, and renew our journey that continues to deepen our understanding of unity and diversity. From the moment I stepped foot on campus, the excitement of seeing familiar faces was palpable. Students were eager to share their stories of their holiday adventures and Christmas gifts received. However, there was a unique twist to our conversations this year. Much of our discussions were centered around our Christmas gift drive for the families residing at The Shelter. The Shelter, an organization dedicated to supporting families in need, became a focal point for our classroom’s collective effort to spread joy and love this holiday season.

As our inquiry is based around unity and diversity, our experience with The Shelter has provided a real-world context to support these themes. Through our gift drive, students experienced firsthand how diverse experiences can bring a community together in unity. By helping families in need, they learned the value of empathy and found strength in diversity. The mothers and children living at The Shelter were able to open all of the wonderful gifts from our class at their annual holiday party. On Monday, we looked at pictures, sent to us from the Quan Family, from The Shelter’s Christmas party. The smiles on the faces of the children were heartwarming to see and served as a powerful reminder of the different lives our community members lead. The gratitude expressed by the families we helped not only highlighted the impact of our efforts but also emphasized the themes of unity and diversity that have been driving our inquiry curriculum this school year. In giving, we understood more about the lives of others. The students in Noiʻo 2 learned that diversity isn’t just about differences in culture or backgrounds; it is also about varied life experiences and the challenges that come with them. This exposure and realization has been pivotal in cultivating a culture of empathy and understanding in our classroom. Thank you, parents, for your donations and participation in this drive.

After a week of reflection, our class revisited their vision boards that were created in the beginning of the school year. The boards represented personal aspirations and dreams. By revisiting our boards, we were able to align these goals with new insights for the new year. Setting new goals for the second semester was an integral part of our first week back in school. The first week back was also spent talking about the devastating wildfires making their way through parts of California. This hits a little close to home as one of our friends from Noiʻo 2 currently resides in one of the evacuation zones. We are holding them in our thoughts and our prayers while also brainstorming what we can do as a class to let them know we are thinking of them during this time. It brings me immense joy to know that our students continue to embody a compassionate mindset, eager to support and uplift those in need. We are looking forward to 2025!


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