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Blog Reconnecting

Blog Reconnecting
Dawn Brown

Wow! I can’t believe just how fast the first half of the year has flown by, and that it’s already January! I am having so much fun learning with your children that time is moving along just so quickly.

Now that we are in our second semester of the school year, we are working toward becoming more independent in our learning, as well as focusing more on the quality of the work that we do. Students are spending more time looking at grammar and mechanics before finalizing their work, as well as being sure to include more details and description in whatever it is that they are writing about. You’ll see more examples of this when their work comes home.

With the start of the new year, we are also looking to reconnect with each other and to grow in our relationships with one another, keeping in mind that as we move to middle school next year, the new students will look to us as to how to interact with one another. We got a chance to express kind thoughts to one another in class through encouraging messages to one another. Students wrote each other notes of welcome and wishes for the second half of the school year. This activity helped us connect with each other, and set the tone for positive interactions in the new year. So many students have their notes on their desks, giving them smiles when they reread them.

Another way we reconnected with each other is through a “Find Someone Who” activity to see what everyone did during their time away. The students had the opportunity to ask classmates about what they did according to squares on a “bingo-style” sheet. This activity always leads to great conversations and sometimes new connections with each other.

As we are beginning a new year, we are spending some time reflecting on ourselves, and what changes or resolutions we’d like to make for ourselves in this New Year. To help ourselves think about what changes and what goals we’d like to make, the students have been creating and thinking with prompts and activities.

Each of these activities help us re-engage with our learning, reconnect with our peers and re-energize ourselves in school. In the final semester as elementary students, your children have so many exciting and engaging events to come. I look forward to sharing more with you throughout this second semester.

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