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Thanksgiving Blog - Noio Room 3

Thanksgiving Blog - Noio Room 3
Arlene Holzman

“We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.” – Anonymous

Just a short blog this week expressing my gratitude to all 3/4H families for sharing your children with me every day. I appreciate my students, their wonderful personalities and curious minds, more than I can express. For me, coming to Mid-Pacific every day is an absolute joy. Thank you very much for all you do. Have a peaceful Thanksgiving holiday!

Arlene Holzman

Please check out our Thanksgiving pumpkins hanging in our classroom window for more words of gratitude:

“I’m thankful for…”

…being bilingual A.A.
…family and friends. K.L.
…food. T.T.
…learning cursive. L.K.
…pencil erasers. L.S.
…my dog. S.M.
…going to a good school. R.U.
…my health. R.M.
…sunshine. A.G.
…being able to play sports.

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